Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Characters of Siberian Husky

Dogs Siberian Husky is a phenomenal dog from East Siberia. Siberian husky dog has a fun character to play, athletic, agile, and hard workers.

Siberian husky dog can make friends with other breeds, but not with cats, birds, rabbits, etc. because of the nature of predators.

Siberian Husky dogs are very friendly to anyone, including people who do not know. Then the dog Siberian husky is unsuitable to serve as guard dogs.

Noteworthy is the Siberian husky breed of the dog is very happy to work out and work in a large capacity. Accompanying friends for jogging, hiking, cycling is a routine that must be met, as long as the air temperature is not hot.

Siberian husky dog will become destructive (destructive), howled when feeling lonely, bored, and the souls of workers are not being met.

Train Siberian husky would be a challenge for the owner. Because of his intelligence, Siberian husky would obey if the owner has exceeded his intelligence. If the owner does not show good leadership, Siberian husky has no reason to obey.